Ontario Proposing Multi-Line Carp Fishing and Making Fishing More Accessible.

    The Ontario provincial government is proposing to allow resident recreational anglers and those visiting the province to use multiple lines when fishing carp from shore.

    “This initiative is just one more way we want to make life easier for anglers,” said John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry. “Ontario has excellent carp fishing opportunities and we want to offer people the chance to experience sustainable multi-line carp fishing.”

    The government is seeking public feedback on the proposal through an Environmental Registry posting. Anglers, industry and indigenous communities are invited to provide their input on how to improve the angling experience in Ontario.

    “This proposal would make Ontario an attractive destination for tourism and competitive fishing events, so it would be a win-win for the people of Ontario and our local economy,” said Yakabuski. “Recreational fishing is a $2.2 billion industry in Ontario and by improving anglers’ experience, we are creating more opportunities for Ontario’s fishing and tourism industries to thrive and succeed.”

    Ontario is also making life more affordable by doubling the number of licence-free fishing events in 2019, including Father’s Day weekend (June 15 and 16), freezing fishing licence fees and removing the $2 service fee, and allowing veterans and Canadian Armed Forces members to fish for free in the province. These changes should improve fishing experiences for more people looking to cast there line in Ontario waters. Tangle Free Waters support all fishing activities and hopes these changes will bring more fishing opportunities to Ontario. We hope that all line gets recycled through our Tangle-Less fishing line recycling bins which are being installed across Ontario to combat fishing line pollution.

    For more information on fishing in Ontario, please visit: www.ontario.ca/fishing.